Exponent::Music::CMusicMath Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Lots of calculations with musical relevance : ** ITS SCAL AS A CLASS! **.

Paul Chana
1.0.0 Initial version
All contents of this source code are copyright 2005 Exp Digital Uk.
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CMusicMath.hpp,v 1.4 2007/02/08 21:08:09 paul Exp

Definition at line 35 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

Public Types

Static Public Member Functions

Static Public Attributes

Private Types

Static Private Member Functions

Static Private Attributes


Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::ETempoDivision

Enumeration of tempo divisions.

e_sixtyFourBars  64 bar sync
e_thirtyTwoBars  32 bar sync
e_sixteenBars  16 bar sync
e_eightBars  8 bar sync
e_fourBars  4 bar sync
e_twoBars  2 bar sync
e_oneBar  1 bar sync
e_halfBar  1/2 bar sync
e_quarterBar  1/4 bar sync
e_eigthBar  1/8 bar sync
e_sixteenthBar  1/16 bar sync
e_thirtySecondBar  1/32 bar sync
e_sixtyFourthBar  1/64 bar sync
e_sixtyFourBarsTriplet  64T bar sync
e_thirtyTwoBarsTriplet  32T bar sync
e_sixteenBarsTriplet  16T bar sync
e_eightBarsTriplet  8T bar sync
e_fourBarsTriplet  4T bar sync
e_twoBarsTriplet  2T bar sync
e_oneBarTriplet  1T bar sync
e_halfBarTriplet  1/2T bar sync
e_quarterBarTriplet  1/4T bar sync
e_eigthBarTriplet  1/8T bar sync
e_sixteenthBarTriplet  1/16T bar sync
e_thirtySecondBarTriplet  1/32T bar sync
e_sixtyFourthBarTriplet  1/64T bar sync
e_sixtyFourBarsDotted  64. bar sync
e_thirtyTwoBarsDotted  32. bar sync
e_sixteenBarsDotted  16. bar sync
e_eightBarsDotted  8. bar sync
e_fourBarsDotted  4. bar sync
e_twoBarsDotted  2. bar sync
e_oneBarDotted  1. bar sync
e_halfBarDotted  1/2. bar sync
e_quarterBarDotted  1/4. bar sync
e_eigthBarDotted  1/8. bar sync
e_sixteenthBarDotted  1/16. bar sync
e_thirtySecondBarDotted  1/32. bar sync
e_sixtyFourthBarDotted  1/64. bar sync
e_numTempoDivisions  Total number of tempo divisions

Definition at line 52 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

enum Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::ETempoDivisionType [private]

Different types of division, re swing.

e_straight  Straight time
e_triplet  Triplet time
e_dotted  Dotted time

Definition at line 242 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::convertValueToTempoDivisionType ( const double  value,
const ETempoDivisionType  type 
) [static, private]

Convert a value to dotted or triplet time

value The value to convert
type The type of division to compute
Return values:
double The converted value

static void Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getADivisionString ( CString theString,
const ETempoDivision  tempoDivision 
) [static]

Get a division string

theString The string that will be filled with the tempo division
tempoDivision The tempo division

static ETempoDivision Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getAdjustedTempoDivision ( const ETempoDivision  division,
ETempoDivisionType type 
) [static, private]

Get an adjusted tempo division -> in the range of stright time

division The division to convert
type The type of division to compute
Return values:
ETempoDivision The adjusted tempo division in the range of stright time

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getBpmFromTime ( const double  length,
const CTimeSignature timeSignature,
const long  numberOfBeats = 4 
) [static]

Given a length (seconds) and time sig information what is the bpm

length The length in seconds
timeSignature The time signature
numberOfBeats The number of beats in the section of music
Return values:
double The bpm

static long Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getClosestMidiNote ( const double  frequency  )  [static]

Given a frequency what is the closest midi note

frequency The frequency to convert
Return values:
long The closest midi note to the frequency

static ETempoDivision Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getClosestTempoDivisionToRateInHertz ( const double  bpm,
const double  frequency 
) [static]

Get the closest division for a given frequency and bpm

bpm The beats per minute of the song
frequency The frequency to convert to a division
Return values:
ETempoDivision The closest tempo division

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getNewTempoPitchShift ( const double  shift,
const double  bpm 
) [static]

Given an original bpm and the amount shifted by, what is the new bpm

shift The shift amount in semi tones
bpm The original bpm
Return values:
double The new bpm

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getNoteFrequency ( const long  note,
const long  octaveDetune,
const long  semiDetune,
const long  fineDetune 
) [static]

Get a detailed frequency

note The midi note
octaveDetune The number of octaves the note is detuned by
semiDetune The number of semi tones the note is detuned by
fineDetune The number of cents the note is detuned by
Return values:
double The frequency, or 0.0 if error

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getNoteFrequency ( const long  note  )  [static]

Get a frequency for a midi note

note The midi note to get the frequency for
Return values:
double The frequency, or 0.0 if index out of range

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getNumberOfSamples ( const double  sampleRate,
const double  lengthInSeconds 
) [static]

Get number of samples in a specified length (length in seconds

sampleRate The number of samples per second
lengthInSeconds The length of the buffer in seconds
Return values:
double The number of samples in the specified length of time

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getPhase ( const ETempoDivision  tempoDivision  )  [static]

Get a phase position for a given tempo division

tempoDivision The tempo division
Return values:
double The phase reset position

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getRateInHertz ( const double  bpm,
const ETempoDivision  tempoDivision 
) [static]

Get a rate in hertz for a given tempo division of the bpm

bpm The beats per minute
tempoDivision The requested tempo division
Return values:
The rate in hertz required

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getRateInMilliseconds ( const double  bpm,
const ETempoDivision  tempoDivision,
const CTimeSignature timeSignature 
) [static]

Get a rate in milliseconds for a given tempo division of the bpm

bpm The beats per minute
tempoDivision The requested tempo division
timeSignature The time signature of the tune
Return values:
The rate in milliseconds required

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getSongPhasePosition ( const ETempoDivision  tempoDivision  )  [static]

Get a song phase postion for a given tempo division

tempoDivision The tempo division
Return values:
double The phase position

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getTempoNoteShift ( const double  originalBpm,
const double  newBpm 
) [static]

Given an original bpm and a desired bpm how much do you have to shift it by in semitones

originalBpm The original Bpm
newBpm The destination Bpm
Return values:
double The shift in semi tones

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getTimeFromBpm ( const double  bpm,
const CTimeSignature timeSignature,
const long  numberOfBeats = 4 
) [static]

Given a bpm and time sig information what is the length

bpm The bpm
timeSignature The time signature
numberOfBeats The number of beats in the section of music
Return values:
double The length in seconds

static double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::getTimeStretch ( const double  originalBpm,
const double  newBpm 
) [static]

To go from one bpm to antoher what is the timestretch required (%)

originalBpm The original Bpm
newBpm The destination Bpm
Return values:
double The amount of time stretch required in %

Member Data Documentation

const double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_DOTTED_TIME [static, private]

Dotted time multiplier

Definition at line 348 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

const double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_FREQUENCY[] [static]

Frequencies for tempo divisions

Definition at line 41 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

const CFrequencyTable Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_FREQUENCY_TABLE [static, private]

The frequency table

Definition at line 345 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

const double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_SONG_PHASE[] [static]

Song phase for computing offset

Definition at line 43 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

const double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_SONG_POSITION[] [static]

Position modifier for song phase

Definition at line 44 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

const double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_TIME[] [static]

Timing information for tempo divisions

Definition at line 42 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

const double Exponent::Music::CMusicMath::CMUSIC_MATH_TRIPLET_TIME [static, private]

Triplet time multiplier

Definition at line 347 of file CMusicMath.hpp.

Infinity API - Exponent::Music::CMusicMath Class Reference generated on 7 Mar 2007